
Katie Brittle

From a young age, I was mesmerized by my mother’s curio cabinet—a collection brimming with antiques, natural wonders, and scientific anomalies. These fascinating oddities ignited a deep curiosity within me, with each piece serving as a silent narrator of its own unique story. Lady Teal’s Curios was born from this early fascination, evolving from its origins as a podcast to now include a blog, alongside its seasonal podcast episodes. I continue to invite curious minds into a world of wonder and intrigue, reawakening that childlike sense of whimsy and instilling an enduring sense of awe with every story shared.

My journey encompasses photography, curiosity collecting, and storytelling through both podcasting and blogging. During the day, my professional life is dedicated to creative directing, marketing, and designing captivating brand experiences. I also organize immersive events and travel adventures, and as a paranormal investigator, I explore the enigmatic realm of the unseen.

Our Mission

Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s Degree in New Media Journalism, focusing on Halloween, Horror, Paranormal, and Dark Tourism. My passion lies in uncovering the nearly forgotten stories of hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations. By weaving together accurate historical narratives with local legends, I strive to highlight the cultural and societal significance of these stories. This blend of travel and eerie topics not only fuels our curiosity about the world but also encourages a deeper understanding of the mysteries that surround us.

Remember, stay curious.

Featured In:

Homespun Haints Podcast Becky Kilimnik Diana Doty
women of the woods by vanessa k eccles
Feminine Macabre Volume V

Current Projects

AI Smart Marketing
shadowreach business card
travel on the rocks podcast

For more spooky fun

Contact Me

I look forward to discussing business opportunities, partnerships, travel quotes, stories to be told and more!